Our Roadmap for YUMESHIMA
Our roadmap to make the most of Yumeshima
Roadmap for Conservation and Creation of the Natural Environment at the 2025 Japan International Exposition Osaka, Japan (Osaka Kansai Expo’)
Public Interest Incorporated Association, Nature Conservation Society of O saka
The main point
1:In developing the venue, the current waterfront at the planned Water World site will be preserved, and concrete and other materials will be used only for the portion bordering the venue.
2:After the exposition, the site will be restored to its original condition and left to the resilience of nature, with minimal restoration.
3:Establish a council of government, experts, and citizen groups to launch a commemorative project for the Expo to promote the restoration of nature in Yumeshima and the interaction between people and nature.
Our Vision
Yumeshima, designated as a biodiversity hotspot (rank A),should be further nurtured and developed into a nature restoration project that symbolizes sustainability in the Osaka Bay area through the Osaka Kansai Expo, whose theme is "Designing future society for our lives".
The principle of the project is to leave the site to the resilience of nature and watch over it. It will enhance Osaka's "dignity of city" and foster interaction between people and nature while minimizing public fi nancial investment.
Through collaboration among citizens, government, and businesses, the former site of the Expo will become a legacy of an Expo that truly "future society for our lives”. In response to the Aichi Expo's legacy of preservation and creation of satoyama, the Osaka Kansai Expo will pursue a seaside legacy.
Schedule to target year of SDGs
Yumeshima for all lives Roadmap to nature restorationsss
The process leading to the roadmap proposal
Nature Conservation Society of Osaka has conducted a total of more than 100 field surveys in just over three years since 2019. We have been conducting advocacy activities, including issuing a request for environmental protection of Yumeshima to relevant organizations in November 2018, as well as the "Scoping Document from Citizens" (August
2019) and "Our Draft Environmental Impact Assessment (Biodiversity)" (August 2021) for the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Osaka-Kansai Expo, and as well as a request to stop the introduction of earth and sand other than waste, which is the original purpose of landfill, for the development of the Expo site (December 2019 and February 2020). These activities were reflected in the Mayor of Osaka's opinion on the Draft EIA.
“Since a wide variety of bird species have been recorded in Yumeshima, a roadmap of details of environmental arrangement and schedule, etc. that takes into consideration the habitats of these birds should be prepared by the start of construction, while listening to the opinions of experts, etc., to preserve and create a diverse environment including
wetlands, grasslands, and sand and gravel areas.” (Feb. 9, 2022)
Three leading Japanese environmental groups (Wild Bird Society of Japan, Nature Conservation Society of Japan, and WWF Japan) also issued a statement calling for the opinions of mayor of Osaka to be embodied as soon as possible (March 22, 2022).
Despite the mayor's opinion, the Port Authority is proceeding with reclamation work on the habitat of these precious birds and plants. Therefore, we filed a resident audit request and demanded that the construction be stopped (April 7, 2022). The audit result (May 27) stated that there was "no reason for the request" because the construction was the default policy, but also pointed out that the Expo Association was required to make efforts to preserve and create a diverse environment after the construction.
We are very concerned about the fact that only existing facts of development are being accumulated while the
roadmap is not being developed by the Expo Association, and we have decided to present a roadmap from our side.
<Left figure> Initially, we proposed that the Expo be held at the site of the proposed IR, which would significantly delay its opening and protect the natural environment. That sentiment remains unchanged today.
<Right figure> Record from more than 100 surveys of animals and plants is published as a photo album.
Yumeshima is the key to the natural restoration of the Osaka Bay area
Nature Conservation Society of Osaka was founded (1976) as a citizen's movement to realize the Nanko Wild Bird Park. Reflecting the spread of citizens' voices calling for the restoration of nature in Osaka Bay, the green space is also being developed. Among these, Yumeshima has a large area with great potential and a track record of animals and plants that have become established.
Creating a major flow of natural restoration in the Osaka Bay area, which once experienced serious pollution, will enhance Osaka's "status of city”.
(Right photo)The Nature Conservation Society of Osaka has conducted a series of surveys of animals and plants in Yumeshima over a period of more than three years, totaling more than 100 surveys.
Editing:Public Interest Incorporated Association, Nature Conservation Society of Osaka
Publishing:NPO Workshop for Sustainable Community
Date:June 28, 2022
Our activities are subsidized by Japan Fund for Global Environment